Friday, March 7, 2014

Flashback Friday: GamePro Magazine

   Like most young boys, video games consumed my life. When PlayStation came out, I had to have it. When PlayStation 2 arrived, I had to have that.  If I was not playing my PlayStation then I was at my friend's house playing Nintendo 64 and eventually Nintendo GameCube. Want to guess what I did when I visited cousins? Yup it was video games. In case it's not clear what I did in my childhood, I PLAYED VIDEO GAMES (although I will say not as much as today's generation).

My obsession with video games didn't just end with playing, I spent a great deal of time reading video game magazines that helped me beat various games and steered me in the right direction as to what games I should buy. One of my favorite magazines was GamePro. I remember after school I would go to major electronics retailers such as Virgin Megastore, Circuit City and Comp USA (remember those stores?)  and spend an hour reading through this magazine. I would take note of ratings that focused on features of the game such as graphics and gameplay. If the game got good ratings then there was good chance money I saved up would be spent on it.

Looking back, I may have obsessed over games a little too much but what young boy doesn't? As I said previously, I doubt my level of interest in games was as intense as the level of interest boys and some girls take in games today. With that said at least I did some reading that time (believe me I did get a chance to read some books). GamePro played an essential part of my childhood and I know it continues to grab the attention of young gamers today.

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